Wednesday, November 18, 2009

*since you've been gone*

Or Since I'VE been gone, here's the latest happenings in the land south of you.

Did I tell you all the kids are in school? yeah, I think I did. I had pictures of thier first day all ready to post, BUT they are lost forever because I am a forgetful person who doesn't back up files on their computer on a regular yearly basis. which leads to.....

My computer wont turn on. (jackson SWEARS he had nothing to do with its abrupt defiance against us when he touch the 'on' button) so there fore it is being shipped back to its rightful parents (the computer, not jackson, he doesn't get off that easy) at the HP headquarters somewhere in MICHIGAN (burrrr) to be handled with care and slowly taken apart and put back together again. I mean, the poor dear. It worked hard everyday and I don't think EVER got a break because if I wasn't using it, then Kurt was, and if he wasn't then Jackson was (EVERY morning before school for an hour), and so on, and so forth. I just never really thought it was tired. And now, its dead. So pay a little more attention to your computers people.... they have feelings too. (and I heard they really like a good dusting once in a blue moon)

As for the human appendeges related to me, we are all well.
Kurt is still working hard... sometimes too hard. Which is fine for now, because like the computer... who knows when your gonna blow a gasket or something. He still likes his employer alot, and they still like him. so its all good there.
Jackson is doing well in school minus language arts. (whatever happened to 'english'?) Lets just say he is currently lacking an A in this subject, however, he is acheiving an A in woodshop. Thats my boy! Trust me - he is in trouble. He is signed up for city league basketball which has him bummed that his first game is on the 5th which is the day Kurt was actually planning on venturing NORTH in the SNOW alone with his FOUR kids! We will have to see how this one plays out.
Emma got a phone for her bday - so her school work is suffering to say it nicely! She is a sweetheart, we all know that, and she is really talented at art and coloring and picking out clothes that match, and now an expert textitian. all these skills will come in nicely when she is 35 still living at home. She is in trouble too. And like jackson, she also wanted to sign up for city league basketball. So I made her vow she wanted to play and not just sign up to not be left out. she promised it was for her love of the game, so like a foolish mother I signed her up. Thirty dollars later this is what i get:
'Uh! MoM! I don't want to play with boys! uUh!' (all spoken in the *you're ruining my life!* tone) She never listens. Shame on me for giving in to her demands. I will hesitate to give in to her in the future.
Ellie is the only child doing wonderfully in her academics at school. Basically she should be in the 5th grade with all her skills. But she already has a big head, so no need to add fuel to that fire. She also wanted to play ball, however, I trust her when she says ' I dont care if I play with boys'. I atleast got one semi-easy child. Trust me though, she makes up for it with her wardrobe selections. I buy her things and then she never wears them. She finds one or two shirts that she rotates through everyother day until they are so stained I have to give them to kurt for stain rags on his projects. crazy stubborn child. Same with her hair. Straight and down EVERY day. no ponytail or anything. and now she wants skinny jeans. is this a sign of going goth?
Charley. oh my charley. oh my computer child charley. (for those of you who watch spongebob regularly, you might pick up on the tune there) She is doing great. learning her letters and getting smarter everyday. She loves preschool now, and is sick about everyother week. I tell her to besure to wash her hands all the time, and now her hands are soooo chapped I had to put on GOBBS of bag-balm to get them to heal over and stop BLEEDING. ugh! winter weather just kills her skin (and ellies). makes me so sad when she holds my hand and they are so dry and scratchy. and I know they hurt her. but they are on the mend. She is WAY excited for her birthday. not for christmas, just her birthday. She really wants to be 5, and I am trying to remember what I told her would happen when she was five to be so excited about. is she supposed to be getting her ears pierced? noo..... Is she getting a cell phone? nooo........... hmmmm. I guess I will find out on 2-22-10.
As for me! I am just exhausted. I got another promotion at work, so I am now the operations area supervisor. I am incharge of Truck merchandise, Store replenishment, and something else I can't remember! Its chaotic to say the least. all I know is we have 8 days until BLACK FRIDAY and I am actually SCARED to see it this year.
I am back in school for a six month term. its going well so far. already finished one assignment. just have about 30 more to go!
Life is good around here. We have what we need to get by, and we are all just fine with it. I am looking forward to the holidays, more so that they will end quicker, but a little jingle bells is always stuck inside. I love it more than I let on. And this year... I AM getting a new tree! I promised myself I would!
Hopefully in a few weeks, I will have the lapttop back and it will work perfectly so I can post some picts of the kiddies. And I guess with that i have 2 weeks to take some! Til then!