Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Very Brady Reunion

We just got back from a family reunion in Cedar City, Utah with Kurt's side of the family, The Brady's. They are all so nice, and friendly. It was fun even though it ended a day early for us. Kurt was not feeling well, and I hate being away from home when I am sick, so I made us leave early. He thanked me the next day. Turns out he is doing much MUCH better now. The little trooper even went to work the next day even being sick as a dog. The kids had alot of fun with the activities, and swimming, and all the cake! Cake everyday! I think we even had cake for lunch! (my kind of reunion!) Even though it was late at night when we made it home, they were very excited to see Roxy (our puppy) and woke her up to give hugs and kisses. Its always nice to be home after a vacation!


Alisha said...

that pic turned out pretty good? how was the one of just our fam?

Alisha said...

it's kind of sad that your 12(?) year old son looks taller than me.

Ver said...

Hi Michelle, Love your puppy.
