Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ahhhhh the new year.

I am sad to admit the relief that comes with sending the kids back to school. I will miss their faces but not the constant fighting and feed me whines that are forever etched in my ears. I don't think they had a horrible break, but It was spooktacular either. Oh well, there's always spring break!

So with the new year freshly underway, I have decided to become resolved. I am not making resolutions, I am setting goals. They are in no particular order:

1. Get Healthy.
2. Get back to school.
3. Get the taxes done EARLY this year.
4. Save money.
5. Expand the businesses.
6. Record some music. (part of the 'expanding the businesses' goal)
7. Ultra deep clean and throw away the junk that makes me miserable and Kurt too.
8. Spend more time with Kurt - like once a month date nights.... seriously, we hardly EVER go out. I miss it. and I WANT it back.
9. Read more books!

Speaking of books! I am so happy to have finally, FINALLY read 'The Host' by Stephanie Meyer (Twilight series author) and I must say that it was soooo goooood. TOOOO GOOD! I want her to make a movie out of this book too! Its very good.
I also read 'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins and would definately recommend it to anyone. Its really good too. made me a bit angry in the end, but sometimes they do that to you!

I am in the mood for more books, so if you have a personal favorite let me know!
Recent suggestions -
The Uglies Series

Books I am so proud to say I have read:
Farenheit367? Can't remember the numbers since I read it in highschool. I will reread it someday...I can't remember how it ends.
Same with Grapes of Wraith
New Moon
Breaking Dawn
The Hunger Games
The Host
My Name is Asher Lev
Who moved my cheese? (its a motivational book)

I can't wait to add to the list!


Megan said...

Those are some great goals. I'm going to post mine. Ender's Game is amazing to read!

Alisha said...

I just finished Marley and Me. It was a cute book. I need to read some more also, otherwise I may just keeping getting dumber:) going back to school would help with that also! Good goals you got there. Good luck! I'm sad we didn't get to come for new years. We will have to plan a trip down in the spring!

Lesa said...

hey Shell, jared loved enders game, he read it when we were dating. i thought he was such a geek for being a reader and now look at us.. i will take all ur junk that u clean out on ur goal list, all ur junks r my favorite pieces in my house.. cant wait to see ya!!!!bride wars is on