Monday, January 19, 2009

Just more of the same

I am trying to post new and exciting things that happen around here on a weekly basis, but I am sad to report we are not as exciting as I first suspected...
Maybe I should post some funny things that Charley says?
First, here is whats going on this week with the rest of us.
Kurt is working. He will be eating Salmon, Roast (cause why stop at 2?), sandwiches, muffins, juice boxes, protein shakes (to go with the weight lifting), and pb&j's.
I think he will also be teaching the main contractor of their job guitar lessons. yay for them!
I am working and preparing for school by doing a shoot of my kids for sure this week!
Jackson will have basketball practice, play lots of psp, not do any homework cause he claims to get it all done at school which makes me wonder if he is a nerd or not at school. I mean, i remember the kids who would run to class so they could do their work for 2 extra minutes. I am ok with nerd. They rule the world! He will also have his last game on saturday. I wonder if he will retire the D.Wills?
Emma is going to complain about the homework she has to get done, she will color alot, she will not clean her room, and she will play and sing and dance with charley. I am hoping she will begin to read more regularly since I know she enjoys the books once she gets going...its just getting her going! I also think I am in the mood for a new hair cut for her...nothing drastic, maybe bangs n layers?
Ellie will wake up an hour early so she can play clubpenguin before she has to get ready for school. She will procrastinate on her homework for the first day, then finish the entire weeks worth in one sitting. She will cry about emma being mean, cry about jackson being mean, and tell me i am the worst mom ever and then she will get over it about 20 minutes later and play with them all, and tell me she loves me. its just her way.
Charley will watch Wall-e 2 times a day, play with ariel toys, wear her ariel nightgown atleast a dozen different times on a half dozen different days. She will be onery this week since she came home from up north with a cold.

A funny thing she said to me today as she came up from behind me after I had bent over to pick something up....
'not everyone wants to see your underwear mom.'
just a reminder, she is 3. and I know not everyone wants to see it. I know. :)