Saturday, May 16, 2009


This week has been again incredibly busy.. trying to finish everything for school... finishing edits...mailing
does it ever end?
How is it possible to take on more?
Why do I WANT to do more?
I am insane.
So this week I ended up helping out Emma's teacher, which in a way, is my responsibility since I am her room mom. But this was beyond the party planning and supply grabbing. (i did that too, since it was teacher appreciation week)
Emma's third grade class had been working on perfoming a play [a midsummer nights dream] and it came down to crunch time. I went in to the class for something for TAW and ended up helping with costumes and scenery. Then came dress hehearsal and oh my gosh, third graders are a little bit obnoxious! maybe I don't want to teach third grade... made me think twice about it! but Kurt steared me back on track with his wise words that once I am 'the teacher' I will be in control and they will do what I say. Is that true? I don't know. i think some kids are just wild and disobedient period. anyway, they did REALLY well with their lines, most of them, and their costumes were great. It was a lot of work for me so I can't imagine how run down Emma's teacher is after working on it for 2 months. Anyway, I was so involved with sending kids out on stage at the right time, I forgot to take some pictures. So you will just have to take my word for it, that it happened, it was great, and now... Its OVER!


Annette said...

You are either crazy or a pushover for teachers in need. I hope experiences like this don't drive you into a career in real estate. Kids are much calmer in September than they are in May. We're all a little trunky this time of year. Kurt's right, though--when it's your own class, it's much easier. They know your expectations and they love you.

KATE said...

Wow, what a super-woman! I'm feeling even luckier that I caught up with you for a little while. Thanks for making time for our picnic.

Karen said...

I just finally had a chance to look at your blog for the first time! If you decide NOT to teach after your hands-on experience with the 3rd graders, you should be an author! Loved reading your thoughts and you have a real talent! How do you do it? You are an interior decorator, super-mom, etc., etc. - just a regular Mary Poppins! Love to all of you! ke