Monday, June 29, 2009

camping is from the devil bobby bushay!

So happy fathers day to Kurt... we finally went camping! yay! WE took the mule and the kids to the lake for fishing, fun, and relaxation. Well, it turned out to be a windstorm at the campsite... which would have been fine if it weren't for the neighbors from HELL. They were from VEGAS. need I say more? Oh yes, I do. Not only were they obviously black top campers (the teenagers complained about the dirt on their truck the whole time... 'the dirt is in my rims!!') They were extremely obnoxious. Their spawn of satan children, or little devils if you prefer, constantly walked through our camp. I am not talking about once or Constantly walked through our camp. not only by them selves, which there were atleast a half dozen of them and quite unattractive I might add. Really, a sad sight. So not only them, but they brought there dogs... yes. their dogs THROUGH our camp. Right between us and the fire pit and the tent. They could have gone around. I asked them atleast 6 times to please not walk through our camp. and each one acted like I was talking obsenities to them. shocking. I was very tempted to make my kids be mean to them and throw rocks at them if they came close to entering our camp. BUT, that would make me the bad guy, so we all suffered through the afternoon and then even Kurt, mr patient 2009, could not take their abuse any longer. so the resting was over, and the fishing was ensued. We left the camp in hopes of the little devil children not rumaging through our totes, tent, and coolers, or atleast having the courtesy to close the lid to the cooler when they were done. Even with all that looming.. we fished anyway. IT was beautiful at the lake. gorgeous storm clouds with sun breaking through in streaks... rainbows in the sky behind us... ospree birds gliding over the lake looking for dinner.. and hardly anyone there. heaven. I love alone time with the family. no tv, or cell phone, or work. just peaceful. Kurt rigged up the poles, while jackson did mule rides for the girls. I watched. I forgot a book. so I just watched Kurt. he is my favorite past time anyway. If there is nothing else to do, or that i want to do, i find my self marveling in his presence. he thinks its annoying, but slightly ego feeding. anyway, ellie and emma had their turn at the poles first. they were patient for about 20 minutes, ellie being the pole bobber that she is ran her little yapper the entire time, and almost put the complaint department out of business... but didn't want to stop fishing. then when she almost had enough time wasting... she got a bite. then you should have heard her. oh boy. she has a way of always speaking her crazy mind. but its who she is. anyway, two minutes later, emma got a fish on her line that was only about 20 feet long! it was barely 10 feet from shore and she got a big fish too. haha! so of course jackson now wants some of that action and gives up the keys to the mule so charley and i can go on a ride. i took emma along because she helps keep charley in her seat. i am always afraid she is gonna fall out if i hit a rock or something. anyway, i took them on a long ride around the lake and towards the sunset. Charley did not like going into the forest where the trees creeped in a little closer to the trail, and you couldn't see as far... she was afraid we would get lost in the forest. then we crested out of the forest on a beautiful notch and clearing to see the sunset on one side and a HUGE rainbow over the lake on the other side. SErisouly... that is why I love the outdoors. NATURE. you can't make this stuff up. Its there for your visual and sensible pleasure. I miss being in it, growing up where i did has definately influenced where i feel comfortable. I love wilderness. anyway, at charleys request, we headed back to the lake.

We made through the rest of the trip with only a half dozen intrusions from the devils children and their 3 dogs. the nightfall was only a half blessing since the wind wanted to knock down our tent, and Kurt and I both were awake nearly all night. the kids slept like babies.

AND we all finally went camping.


Alisha said...

sounds fun! No camping for us the rest of the summer, well at least not for me! See you this weekend!

KATE said...

We've spent some time camping lately too. Dave and I went to stake Youth Conference where we camped in tents and it rained and rained as we were getting set up. I thought of our mighty trek to the Uintahs when it rained and rained but we stayed warm and dry in the Hilton tent playing cards. Let me know if you are up for another backpacking adventure someday - we won't invite anyone from Las Vegas I promise.

Michelle and Ben said...

Hey Michelle I love reading your blog! It always gives me a chuckle--We only camp in the backyard for now--safer, easier,and when Ben and I can't sleep we can sneak inside after the kids are out.

Denice said...

Maybe the devil children live where they tested "H" bombs?? The rest of your story sounds like heaven!