Tuesday, October 6, 2009

still kickin

Just a note to say we are all still here... life is busy around here, and i haven't had ANY time to put out the Halloween decorations at all... Charley is way excited for that day to come, or for it to 'be the start of Halloween'. She is doing super good with Preschool now, no more crying 'mommy dont leave me!' as i walk away so that helps a ton. The girls have been super responsible at school this year. They both love their teachers, and Emma actually leaves Ellie alone now that she has her own cell phone. Jackson is practicing for bball season in the early mornings before school... he runs ladders and shoots hoops with the ninth grade coach. He manages to get Kurt to take him and be there by 6:00 AM. He is dedicated to say the least. Kurt is recovering VERY well from his Marathon... i will go in to details on that next time. i am still working, on break from school, and trying to manage the household things. There are days that go by and I dont remember them... that gets to me a little. One time I got all the way to work and realized Charley was still in the back seat. She laughed and laughed that I turned right instead of left to take her to daycare. We still laugh about it. I think I am losing my mind! Halloween costumes should be interesting this year if I keep it up! Craaaaaaaaazy days!
WE will be in touch soon. We miss you all, and hopefully will see you sometime in the near future!


Alisha said...

I was wondering what was going on with you guys! I can't believe that Kurt ran a marathon, crazy!

Lesa said...

You better still be kicking:) We will see eachother soon...I can feel it.One way or another

Tamera said...

That's so funny! I did that with Maddie once. I was supposed to be taking her to preschool and got on the freeway like I was going to my parents house. She laughed about that for months. "Mom, do you remember that time you forgot we were going to my school and you started to drive to Grandma's?!"
Glad to hear you are all alive and kicking, especially Kurt after the marathon. These crazy running men ... did he survive without any chaffing, bleeding nipples or lost toe nails?