Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the funny things she says......

and does....

Charley was riding in the back seat of the truck today after we picked Jackson from 7th grade basketball tryouts (He will find out Thursday if he made the team) when she starts talking to Jackson and says 'Guess what, I have a new boyfriend!' Jackson of course doesn't care or even listen. So I said, 'Oh yeah?, whats his name?'
char: 'Jason'
Me: 'Wasn't that the name of your last boyfriend?'
char: 'yeah, but this ones black'
Me: 'really? well then.'
char: 'but its alright, cause I'm purple'

Jackson and I are laughing at this point pretty hard.

She is also afraid to flush the toilet because she is a 'girl'.
funny child. she is so much fun. i want another one, because of her. If by some odd miracle I were to have another baby, and if that baby were a boy...I would name him Ketch. Possibly Ketch Haggard Evans.

Its fun to day dream.


Solomon and Lyndsie said...

You are such a good mom! If you can't have another one you should adopt.

Annette said...

Charley is so funny. I'm glad you're recording these things.

Jaime Miller said...

That's your sweet little Charley!! She reminds me so much of you, she's cute, crazy and so much fun!!