and does....
Charley was riding in the back seat of the truck today after we picked Jackson from 7th grade basketball tryouts (He will find out Thursday if he made the team) when she starts talking to Jackson and says 'Guess what, I have a new boyfriend!' Jackson of course doesn't care or even listen. So I said, 'Oh yeah?, whats his name?'
char: 'Jason'
Me: 'Wasn't that the name of your last boyfriend?'
char: 'yeah, but this ones black'
Me: 'really? well then.'
char: 'but its alright, cause I'm purple'
Jackson and I are laughing at this point pretty hard.
She is also afraid to flush the toilet because she is a 'girl'.
funny child. she is so much fun. i want another one, because of her. If by some odd miracle I were to have another baby, and if that baby were a boy...I would name him Ketch. Possibly Ketch Haggard Evans.
Its fun to day dream.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
the funny things she says......
Friday, January 23, 2009
Music Music Music
Yes, I know I have a lot of time on my hands but I can't get enough! Just heard Kelly Clarkson's newest release, 'My life would suck without you' and I love it. Makes me kinda bounce around the house and keeps me in a good mood. Needed some good uplifting tunes. Been raining here all day since early in the morning. Love the Rain. Also, since Bruce is coming out soon, I will share one of my favorite Bruce songs, its called 'One Step Up' Sometimes its exactly what I relate to in life. One step up and two steps back. I love it on days like today - goes along with the rain. I also love love love 'lift me up'. there is something to be said about a man who isn't afraid to sing like that. i couldn't find it to put on the playlist, but one step is there. Anyway, Happy Weekend Everyone!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Can't wait for the new album, even if Kurt can't get over Devils and Dust as the best album ever, I think he is equally excited about new Bruce tunes. And I am sooo excited for the half time show at the SuperBowl, he puts on one helluva show!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Just more of the same
I am trying to post new and exciting things that happen around here on a weekly basis, but I am sad to report we are not as exciting as I first suspected...
Maybe I should post some funny things that Charley says?
First, here is whats going on this week with the rest of us.
Kurt is working. He will be eating Salmon, Roast (cause why stop at 2?), sandwiches, muffins, juice boxes, protein shakes (to go with the weight lifting), and pb&j's.
I think he will also be teaching the main contractor of their job guitar lessons. yay for them!
I am working and preparing for school by doing a shoot of my kids for sure this week!
Jackson will have basketball practice, play lots of psp, not do any homework cause he claims to get it all done at school which makes me wonder if he is a nerd or not at school. I mean, i remember the kids who would run to class so they could do their work for 2 extra minutes. I am ok with nerd. They rule the world! He will also have his last game on saturday. I wonder if he will retire the D.Wills?
Emma is going to complain about the homework she has to get done, she will color alot, she will not clean her room, and she will play and sing and dance with charley. I am hoping she will begin to read more regularly since I know she enjoys the books once she gets going...its just getting her going! I also think I am in the mood for a new hair cut for her...nothing drastic, maybe bangs n layers?
Ellie will wake up an hour early so she can play clubpenguin before she has to get ready for school. She will procrastinate on her homework for the first day, then finish the entire weeks worth in one sitting. She will cry about emma being mean, cry about jackson being mean, and tell me i am the worst mom ever and then she will get over it about 20 minutes later and play with them all, and tell me she loves me. its just her way.
Charley will watch Wall-e 2 times a day, play with ariel toys, wear her ariel nightgown atleast a dozen different times on a half dozen different days. She will be onery this week since she came home from up north with a cold.
A funny thing she said to me today as she came up from behind me after I had bent over to pick something up....
'not everyone wants to see your underwear mom.'
just a reminder, she is 3. and I know not everyone wants to see it. I know. :)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Keeping up to date
Also, Charley swallowed a dime on Sunday afternoon and she almost had to be taken to the ER for hyperventillation - I thought she was going to die from screaming her brains out that the 'coin' was stuck in her throat. But I knew her airway was clear because she has an extremely loud scream. She was just freaked out. Anyway, Dr. Kurt looked up what we are supposed to do with them, because she was really panicking and it made us kinda panic...weird she is our last kid and first to swallow a coin... that we know of, hmmmm. turns out if its not choking them, they just let it pass. Well, its been 3 days, and no coin. She thinks its out because the drama of pooping the 'diamond' out that got stuck on her 'knuckle chords' was almost as much of a incident as the swallowing was. this time it involved both Kurt and I holding her hands and 'helping' her get it out, which she just screamed for a half an hour that it was going to hurt. Anyway, I told her it was gone now and she didn't need to worry about it and she did a great job. Now she walks around telling everyone she pooped a diamond. 'Bout time the kid starts paying off!
But seriously, no diamond yet.
One of my all time favorite bands came out with a new album in September, and I thought I would share. Its good if you're in the mood for jugband old time music...turn it up loud and clean the house type music. They are definately unique and classy and gritty. So there are a few of the new ones on the top of the playlist- Alabama High-Test, Crazy Eyes (ya gotta love a song titled like that), and Methamphetamine (Tells it like it is.). We here at the Evan's house love to rock out or jig to them any chance we get but especially on Saturday morning. I love them so much its where I got the name for the photo business. But I just love crows - black crows, counting crows, old crow, and oldcrow was an old whiskey - so there is something to it, ya know...some kind of history. Anyway, Enjoy!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Ahhhhh the new year.
I am sad to admit the relief that comes with sending the kids back to school. I will miss their faces but not the constant fighting and feed me whines that are forever etched in my ears. I don't think they had a horrible break, but It was spooktacular either. Oh well, there's always spring break!
So with the new year freshly underway, I have decided to become resolved. I am not making resolutions, I am setting goals. They are in no particular order:
1. Get Healthy.
2. Get back to school.
3. Get the taxes done EARLY this year.
4. Save money.
5. Expand the businesses.
6. Record some music. (part of the 'expanding the businesses' goal)
7. Ultra deep clean and throw away the junk that makes me miserable and Kurt too.
8. Spend more time with Kurt - like once a month date nights.... seriously, we hardly EVER go out. I miss it. and I WANT it back.
9. Read more books!
Speaking of books! I am so happy to have finally, FINALLY read 'The Host' by Stephanie Meyer (Twilight series author) and I must say that it was soooo goooood. TOOOO GOOD! I want her to make a movie out of this book too! Its very good.
I also read 'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins and would definately recommend it to anyone. Its really good too. made me a bit angry in the end, but sometimes they do that to you!
I am in the mood for more books, so if you have a personal favorite let me know!
Recent suggestions -
The Uglies Series
Books I am so proud to say I have read:
Farenheit367? Can't remember the numbers since I read it in highschool. I will reread it someday...I can't remember how it ends.
Same with Grapes of Wraith
New Moon
Breaking Dawn
The Hunger Games
The Host
My Name is Asher Lev
Who moved my cheese? (its a motivational book)
I can't wait to add to the list!